XV Ibero-American Congress on the History of Latin American Education (CIHELA): 25-27 October 2023

“Las reformas educativas en la historia de Latino América”

At a meeting of leaders from communities, societies and networks of the History of Education in Ibero-America, held in October 2021, it was decided to hold the XV Ibero-American Congress on the History of Education latin america, in Paraguay, in the city of Villarrica , at the proposal of prominent historians from Argentina, Uruguay, Chile and Spain; and with the commitment of the representative for Paraguay, David Velázquez Seiferheld. The agreed date is from October 25 to 27, with two additional days (24 and 28) for reception and accommodation of special guests and tourist activities.

The XV edition of CIHELA is preceded by the meetings held in Lisbon (2021), which was a virtual meeting given the Covid19 pandemic situation, Montevideo (2018), Medellín (2016), Toluca (2014), Salamanca (2012); Rio de Janeiro (2009), Quito (2005), San Luis de Potosí (2003). The next edition, after Paraguay, will take place in 2025, in Chile. It is important to remember that the first CIHELA was held in 1992, in Bogotá, Colombia.

These Congresses constitute spaces for academic exchange around the most recent trends in historical research on Latin American education, which come from the Ibero-American academic environment.

  • Universidad Nacional de Villarrica del Espíritu Santo (UNVES), Villarrica, Paraguay
  • Deadline for abstract submission: 10 March 2023
  • Click here for more information and the Call for Papers (available in Spanish, Portuguese and English).
Previous New Submission Deadline ISCHE 44: Submit by 10 February
Next (CfP) III SIPSE Conference: 14-15 December 2023

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