Webinar for ECRs in the History of Education

Webinar for ECRs in the History of Education

The ECR Thinkering Initiative, in collaboration with the ECR representatives on the ISCHE Executive Committee, is launching a new webinar series aimed at fostering networking and community among early career researchers.

The first webinar, “Belonging to Education: Navigating Relationships, Systems, and Structures” will feature a panel of three researchers at different career stages, all of whom have been actively engaged in the ISCHE community. Their diverse experiences span various academic and geographical contexts, offering valuable insights into the challenges and opportunities of academic belonging.

This session will explore intergenerational relationships and conversations, the navigation of different academic systems and institutional structures, and ways to strengthen our sense of community. Panelists and participants will have the opportunity to discuss challenges faced by ECRs, share strategies for overcoming them, and reflect on how we, as a scholarly community, can foster a greater sense of belonging in our field.

Date and time: 8 April 2025, 15:00-16:30 pm Central European Time

Eduardo Galak, Universidad La Plata, Argentina
ArCasia James-Galloway, Texas A&M University, USA
Christian Ydesen, University of Zurich, Switzerland

Fanny Isensee (Humboldt University Berlin) and the ISCHE ECR Representatives Veronica Fonte (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore – Milano) and Chelsea Rodriguez (University of Groningen).
The organisers did their best to select a time that allows for broad participation. However, as time zone differences may make it difficult for some to attend the webinar will be recorded and made available to those who cannot join live.

Registration: If you’re interested in attending or receiving the recording afterward, please register via the link below.

Registration deadline: 4 April 2025.

Register for the ECR Webinar

Previous Registration for ISCHE 46 open now

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