Support for Early Career Researchers to attend ISCHE 36, London
Applications are welcome for early career researcher bursaries to support attendance at ISCHE 36, ‘Education, war and peace’. Up to 5 ECR bursaries will be funded for candidates based in nations at an early stage of development in history of education activities and organisation, of up to £200 [GBP] each, reducing the standard early bird fee to the research student fee. Successful applicants will be invited to contribute to academic and social activities at the ISCHE conference in particular on behalf of delegates from their home nation or geographical region.
Applications should include a statement of up to 100 words under each criterion below to explain their suitability for the bursary:
1) an early career researcher (normally with PhD awarded up to 10 years ago and developing a track record of academic publications in the history of education);
2) base in home nation at an early stage of development in history of education activities;
3) abilty to contribute to academic and social activities at the ISCHE conference in July 2014 in particular on behalf of delegates from their home nation or geographical region;
4) experience in collaboration, representation and support for students and academic colleagues in the history of education.
Please also send a curriculum vitae/resumé of up to two pages including details of doctoral research and publications in the history of education and current position as appropriate.
Applications should be sent by email to by Monday 31 March 2014, 17.00 GMT, and confirmation of awards will be sent by Monday 8 April.
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