July 26, 2021 1150 Views

Sepcial Issue Call for Journal of Educational Administration and History

Working with and against the bureaucratic state: Histories of grassroots organising for public education reform, 1970s-1980s

This international Special Issue focuses on the phenomenon of ‘grassroots’ community organising for education reform during the historical period of the 1970s and 1980s. This was a significant period for publicly expressed community ferment surrounding education across the globe, animated by a range of issues, and working with and against a range of different kinds of states and state bureaucratic arrangements.

The collection contributes to the Journal of Educational Administration and History’s aim to publish “work that is comparative and socially critical and which addresses issues such as power, authority, ideals, principles, diversity and difference”.

For more information visit:  https://bit.ly/GrassrootsEducationReform

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