Request for submissions: 2017 ISCHE First Book Award (Deadline: Oct. 1, 2016)

Request for submissions: 2017 ISCHE First Book Award (Deadline: Oct. 1, 2016)

The ISCHE First Book Award recognizes a single-authored monograph by a historian of education that represents innovative and exemplary scholarship in the history of education broadly conceived. As an award given for a first book, ISCHE also seeks to recognize a historian of education of extraordinary capability and promise.

If you intend to submit a book, you must let Dr. Amsing know by October 1, 2016. Send an email with “ISCHE first book prize” in the object line to H.T.A.Amsing@rug.nlTwo copies of an already published book should be sent directly to her address below.  Any book with a publication date in 2015 and 2016 is eligible for consideration. Books published in any of the four official ISCHE languages (English, French, German and Spanish) will be considered for the award. Letters of nomination will not be accepted, however a nominated book may be submitted by any entity including an individual or a publishing house.

The ISCHE EC will appoint a First Book Award Committee. The procedures and protocols of the Award Committee are subject to EC approval, the award decisions of the Committee will be considered final and not subject to revision or appeal. The Award Committee will communicate its award decision to all those who submitted books at least three months before the annual conference. The award will be made at the GA meeting, with the awardee invited to offer brief remarks if present.

Please send books to the following address:

ISCHE First Book Prize c/o Dr. H.T.A. Amsing
Faculty of Behavioral and Social Sciences
Grote Kruisstraat 2/1
9712 TS  Groningen
The Netherlands


Previous Submissions Invited for ISCHE Early Career Paper Award
Next Appel à communication: Les Refus d'École. 1-2 Juin 2017, Amiens. DEADLINE: Oct. 31, 2016

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