April 6, 2023 1040 Views

Pre-Conference Workshops at ISCHE 44: Call for Contributions

The ISCHE Executive Committee invites proposals for pre-conference workshops to be held on 17 July 2023. Since 2013, members of ISCHE have organized half-day pre-conference workshops to initiate collective discussions about a specific topic that debates critical issues, methods or theories emerging in our field. The workshops are limited in terms of participants but open to the attendees of the main ISCHE conference. Pre-conference workshops may include some invited speakers and presenters but must also include a public call for submissions. We strongly encourage diversity and dialogue across cultures, languages and disciplines and ask convenors to reflect these aims in their geographical and linguistic scope. Both convenors and all participants in pre-conference workshops are required to register for the main ISCHE conference. Participation in a pre-conference workshop will require advance registration via the general conference registration system. The overall number of participants may be limited.

Pre-Conference Workshops at ISCHE 44:
Please click on the workshop for more information.

Changing forms and formats | Digital Writing and Digital Publishing in the History of Education

ISCHE Education & Pandemics Archive Workshop: Digital Source Criticism and Digital Research Infrastructures

Date: 17 July 2023
Location: Budapest, at ISCHE 44
Deadline for proposals: 24 April 2023


Previous (CfP) III SIPSE Conference: 14-15 December 2023
Next Call for Papers - Journal of The Brazilian Society for the History of Education

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