Post-doctoral Fellowship in Psychiatry and Psychology in Education

We hereby announce the opening of a Post-Doctorate Fellow position at the School of Education of the University of São Paulo. The post is linked to the São Paulo Research Foundation-FAPESP Thematic Project entitled “Knowledges and practices at the borders: for a transnational history of education (1810-…)” coordinated by Diana Gonçalves Vidal. Within the main project we welcome applications for the development of the subproject “Classifications and Limits: the transit and the multiplication of diagnostics among disciplines, from psychiatry and psychoanalysis to education”.

Nº: 3158

Field of knowledge: Education

FAPESP process: 2018/26699-4

Project title: Knowledges and practices at the borders: for a transnational history of education (1810 – …)

Working area: Education

Principal investigator: Ana Laura Godinho Lima

Unit/Instituition: FEUSP

Deadline for submissions: 2019-10-31

Publishing date: 2019-09-10

Locale: Av. da Universidade, 308, São Paulo

Application information:

Candidates to this position should contact Prof Ana Laura Godinho Lima through her email ( communicating their wish to take part in the selection process, and attaching the following documentation:

a) Curriculum Vitae of the candidate (Lattes CV);
b) Curriculum Summary of the candidate (please see instructions on;
c) An introduction letter containing the reasons for the interest in developing the subproject “Classifications and Limits: the transit and the multiplication of diagnostics among disciplines, from psychiatry and psychoanalysis to education”;
d) Two letters of reference from professors from the areas in which the candidate has worked

Please find more information here.

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