June 4, 2020 846 Views

PhD scholarship opportunity in Education in Culture

The expertise group of Education in Culture of the Nieuwenhuis Institute for Educational Research at the University of Groningen is seeking to recruit a talented student for research leading to the PhD. The student is expected to develop her/his research under the direction of prof. dr. Johannes Westberg. The student will conduct original historical research, report results via peer-reviewed publications and conference presentations, and ultimately deliver a PhD thesis related to one of the topics indicated below. The PhD student will be offered a four-year scholarship. The PhD student will receive a four-year scholarship and, thereby, enrol in the Graduate School of the Behavioural and Social Sciences.

More information at: https://www.rug.nl/education/phd-programmes/phd-scholarship-programme/phd-scholarships?details=00347-02S0007RGP

Previous Professor (W3) for Educational Sciences / focus on Educational Theory at University of Koblenz-Landau
Next Call for Papers: How computers entered the classroom, 1960 - 2000

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