PhD Positions – Call for Applications


4 years fully funded PhD positions

Uppsala University, Umeå University, Stockholm University and Örebro University


In the spring 2020, the national graduate school Schooling in perspective: A graduate school in applied history of education will admit a total of nine doctoral students at four of Sweden’s leading academic environments for history of education research. The graduate school is a cohesive multidisciplinary graduate school with an international footing, where doctoral students from various disciplines will feel at home and where they will be offered the best conditions for making leading-edge contributions to international research.

The graduate school’s focus on applied history of education signifies a thematic orientation of research that, in different ways, contributes to a greater understanding of pressing contemporary educational policy issues. It focuses three themes of fundamental importance in a time of globalisation and intensified calls for reform: education in debates and historical narratives; the history of the school system and school reforms; and education in an international and transnational perspective. This general orientation of the graduate school thus covers a range of topics of interest both to those who are interested in historical issues as well as those who are oriented toward current educational policy debates.

Further information on the specialisation and activities of the graduate school can be found on its website:

Schooling in perspective: A graduate school in applied history of education


The Calls for Positions are available here.


Previous CALL FOR PAPERS: CHEA/ACHÉ 21st Biennial Conference
Next Call for Papers: International Conference University of Lausanne

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