June 23, 2021 1619 Views

Paedagogica Historica announces a Call for Nominations for joining the Editorial Assistant Board

Call for Editorial Assistant Board Members

Paedagogica Historica

In 2017 Paedagogica Historica introduced a new initiative to support the professional development of early career researchers in the form of Assistant Editorships. Members of the EAB, who serve a two-year tenure, participate in the reviewing of articles, propose topics, and give advice on the journal’s policies.

The Call for Nominations for joining the EAB will be open until July 10th, 2021. There are ten positions available this year. We ask the candidates to submit a 1-page CV and a short motivational statement of why they would like to join the Board. If selected, members will start their tenure on September 1st, 2021. As we would like to ensure that the Board is diverse, we highly encourage nominations from different regions, languages and disciplinary traditions.

Submitting Your Application

Please send your nomination to Prof. Inés Dussel (idussel@gmail.com), Managing Co-Editor, and to Fanny Isensee, Editorial Assistant, paedagogica-historica@hu-berlin.de

The call is available here.



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