Institutional Membership


Brazil – SBHE – Sociedade Brasileira de História da Educação

Canada –
CHEA/ACHÉ – Canadian History of Education Association

Chile – SChHE – Sociedad Chilena de Historia de la Educación

France – ATRHE – Association Transdisciplinaire pour les Recherches Historiques sur l’Éducation

Germany – DGfE – Deutsche Gesellschaft für Erziehungswissenschaft – Sektion Historische Bildungsforschung

Greece – GSEH – Greek Society of Education Historians

CIRSE – Centro Italiano per la Ricerca Storico Educativa

SIPSE – Società Italiana per lo studio del Patrimonio Storico-Educativo

Portugal – HISTEDUP – Associação de História da Educação de Portugal

SEDHE – Sociedad Española de Historia de la Educación

SEPHE – Sociedad Española para el Estudio del Patrimonio Histórico-Educativo

SHEPLC – Societat d’Història de l’Educació dels Països de Llengua Catalana

Switzerland – SGfB – Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Bildungsforschung – Arbeitsgruppe Historische Bildungsforschung

United Kingdom – HES, UK – History of Education Society

Uruguay – SUHE – Sociedad Uruguaya de Historia de la Educación

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National or regional associations of history of education are invited to join ISCHE.  Official institutional members will be invited to participate in all ISCHE initiatives and will be accorded the following rights and privileges:

  • Advertisement of activities on the ISCHE website
  • A regular meeting with the ISCHE president during the annual conference
  • Ability to organize/sponsor a special event or session at the annual conference
  • Meeting space during the annual conference
  • Organization of panels to celebrate important scholars of the field at the annual conference
  • Organization of workshops, projects etc. in cooperation with ISCHE
  • Ability to solicit presentations given at the annual conference for publication in their journals.
  • Ability to use ISCHE logo to indicate that the organization has ISCHE Affiliated Organization membership status.

Interested history of education associations are invited to contact the ISCHE President Inés Dussel via ISCHE office. A history of education association is defined as an association which addresses the broad field of history of education.  An application for membership should include (1) a letter of explanation, (2) the name and email address of a contact person, and (3) the url for the association’s website.

ISCHE annual membership for Institutional Members corresponds to the calendar year, January 1 to December 31st. ISCHE assumes no legal or financial responsibility for activities conducted by Affiliated Organizations.  According to the ISCHE byelaws the fee for Institutional Membership is 100 € per year with a reduced rate of 50 € for organizations based in Low-GDP countries.  (We define Low-GDP countries using World-Bank data as having a per-capita of less than US$26,000 per year.  This means that countries eligible for the Low-GDP reduction are all African countries; Asian and Middle East countries [with the exception of Brunei Darussalam, Hong Kong SAR, Israel, Japan, Kuwait, Macau SAR, Qatar, Singapore, UAE]; Latin American Countries; as well as the following countries in wider Europe Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Georgia, Greece, Hungary, Kazakhstan, Kosovo, Latvia, Lithuania, FYR of Macedonia, Malta, Moldova, Montenegro, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Turkey and Ukraine.)

Once an application for ISCHE Institutional Membership has been approved by the Executive Committee, the ISCHE Treasurer will provide information for payment to be made either to ISCHE’s Paypal Account or via wire transfer to ISCHE’s bank account.  Payment for two years of Institutional Membership (200 € or 100 € for organizations based in Low-GDP countries) are also welcome.