April 22, 2024 1163 Views

ISCHE 45 Natal – Pre-Conference Workshop

ISCHE Education & Pandemics Archive Workshop: Hands-on Digital

Convenors: Karin Priem (University of Luxembourg) | Fanny Isensee (Humboldt University, Berlin) | Ami Kobayashi (University of Kaiserslautern-Landau) | Rafaela Rabelo (Federal University of Uberlândia, Brazil) | Daniel Töpper (Humboldt University, Berlin) | Sarah Gröschl (University of Kaiserslautern-Landau)

After two successful workshops on the silences of COVID-19 web archives and digital source criticism, the ISCHE Education & Pandemics Archive Team has decided to offer a further edition of its training programme. This year’s workshop at ISCHE Natal in Brazil will encourage participation in hands-on digital history. We are inviting colleagues to create and submit small video clips (e.g. through Adobe applications) using digital sources from our archive that should be meaningfully compared or contrasted with additional materials from another source or digital collection.

Our call for participation in the workshop provides five “BOXES”, each of which contains three pre-selected items/sources from the ISCHE Education & Pandemics Archive. We would ask participants to select one “BOX” and use its contents to create a video clip, adding more materials themselves. During the workshop, participants will be expected to show their videos and critically reflect on the process of digital storytelling and the different layers of history that come into play.

The workshop is limited to twelve participants.
Those who are interested in participating are expected to take a proactive approach and send their videos to karin.priem@uni.lu and rafaelarabelo@alumni.usp.br by 15 May 2024 at the latest.

We will accept videos in any of the ISCHE languages. Please let us know if you would prefer an in-person workshop in Natal on 18 August 2024 or an online workshop as part of the ISCHE online conference. Videos should not be longer than ten minutes and they may be the result of a collaborative process.

There are plenty of free online tutorials on how to make a video that are also aimed at beginners, but please do feel free to email us if you need help. We would be happy to provide links to tutorials if needed. If there are more than twelve submissions, we will start a selection process based on how convincingly the central issues of the workshop have been taken into consideration. Those who register for the workshop agree that copies of their videos will be uploaded to the ISCHE Education & Pandemics Archive for public use.

Please click here for the full call for participation – PCW ISCHE 45

Previous CfP - Anuario de Historia de la Educación

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