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international conference

Colloque Scientifique International Condition(s) enseignante(s), Conditions pour enseigner. Réalités, enjeux, défis. Université Lumière LYON 2 – 8, 9, 10 janvier 2015

Ce colloque scientifique international d’éducation s’adresse à la communauté des chercheurs en éducation définie en relation à un spectre large de sensibilités scientifiques : historiens, sociologues, psychologues, didacticiens et pédagogues,

Call for papers

Call for Papers – ANZHES symposium (8-9 July 2016) Deadline 8 April

The Australia and New Zealand History of Education Society (ANZHES) mid-year symposium 2016, with the theme “Connections and Communities in the History of Education”, will take place in Melbourne from

Call for papers

CFP: ASMI Conference on “Educating Italy (1796-1968)” London 4-5 December 2015

mediaScuola_De_Amicis_a_Mestre,_primi_900_(1)Call for Papers for the 2015 ASMI Annual Conference on “Educating Italy  (1796-1968 ca): Local, national and global perspectives”, to be held at the Italian Cultural Institute in London on 4-5 December 2015.  Deadline for submission of proposals: 15 July 2015. Full details are available at