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General Announcement

Call for Nominations for joining the Executive Committee

ISCHE announces that the Call for Nominations for joining the Executive Committee is open until June 17th, 2019.  There are two positions available this year. Individuals may be nominated for the EC

Call for papers

History of Laic Education SWG invites submissions for ISCHE 41 conference. Deadline: Feb. 8, 2019

ISCHE  41  (17 – 20 July 2019)  –  Porto, Portugal The History of Laic Education: Concepts, Policies and Practices around the world Call for Papers Deadline:  February 8,  2019 Convenors: Adelina


ISCHE’s Call for Peace

ISCHE asks to stop the violation of international humanitarian law and the law of war including the Geneva Conventions of 1949, the First Additional Protocol to the Geneva Conventions, and