Invitation to submit to the ISCHE First Book Award until 1 December 2023

There is still time to get nominated for this year’s ISCHE First Book Award.

The deadline for submissions is 1 December 2023.

The ISCHE First Book Award recognizes a single-authored academic monograph by a historian of education that represents innovative and exemplary scholarship in the field of history of education broadly conceived. As an award given for a first book, ISCHE also seeks to recognize a historian of education of extraordinary capability and promise.

Books published in any of the five ISCHE languages (English, French, German, Portuguese, and Spanish) will be considered for the award.

You can find all details here:

Previous CfA: Assistant Professor of History and Social Studies Education at Washington State University Department of History
Next III SIPSE Congress: 14 -15 December 2023, Milan, Italy - Programme

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