Gendering Histories of Education SWG invites submissions to ISCHE 41 Conference. Deadline: Jan. 31, 2019

Gendering Histories of Education SWG invites submissions to ISCHE 41 Conference. Deadline: Jan. 31, 2019

ISCHE  41  (17 – 20 July 2019)  –  Porto, Portugal

Gendering Local, National, Regional, Transnational and Supra-National Histories of Education (2018-2023)

Deadline:  January  31,  2019


Mission Statement / Purpose of the SWG for 2017-2022

Exploring the significance of gender in histories of education has been an ongoing project in ISCHE. In this new SWG, our primary goal is to articulate the significance of gender in relation to the dynamics of intersectionality in local, national, regional, transnational and supra-national historical research in education. Thus studies and conceptual approaches that investigate the relationships and entanglements between the different levels is an important dimension of our agenda. Likewise, within this approach to intersectionality the SWG is proposing to extend its remit to include research into ways in which masculinities as well as femininities interact with an array of cultural markers including race, class, age, religion and nationality.

Given that educational networks are one of the oldest forms of global connectedness, we are interested in men and women educators whose lives and work crossed borders as well as networks of correspondence, and exchanges of material goods such as books and pedagogical materials. We include activism within groups and organisations whose work transcended national borders, for example, the United Nations. In that sense we are interested in connections between women educators and international feminist networks and their intersections with men who engaged in international feminist networks.

Call for Papers

Gendering local, national, regional, transnational and supra-national histories of education invites submissions to the ISCHE 41 conference (17-20 July 2019) in Porto, Portugal. The conference theme complements our gender group’s mission statement so we are seeking papers that apply the lens of gender (alone or in conjunction with other cultural markers) to both physical place and intellectual space in the history of education.

Please submit abstract proposals through the conference electronic system by selecting the Gender SWG in the Abstracts area. Proposals will be submitted in English and explain briefly the research problem, objectives, theoretical and methodological approach, main primary and secondary sources, core arguments and main results. Proposals should be a maximum of 500 words, excluding bibliography.

Convenors: Kay Whitehead (School of Education, Flinders University), Rebecca Rogers  (Université Paris Descartes)



Previous History of Educational Funding SWG invites submissions to ISCHE 41 Conference. Deadline: Jan. 31, 2019
Next CFP - ECER 2019 Hamburg. Deadline: Jan. 31, 2019

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