ISCHE Travel Fund

ISCHE Travel Fund

Since 2017, ISCHE devotes some of the membership revenue to an ISCHE Travel Fund for the annual conference. These travel grants are for ISCHE members* who are doctoral students and early career researchers (up to 5 years post-PhD) without full-time faculty appointments. Particular preference will be given to applicants who are based in low-GDP countries**.

Application procedure: Applicants must have their conference paper accepted and submit the following documents to with the subject line “ECR travel fund request” until Friday 19 April 2024:

  • Completed Travel Fund request form in one of ISCHE languages (English, French, German, Portuguese or Spanish) [available here]
  • Evidence of advanced student or early-career status (student card, dissertation certificate)
  • Brief CV (maximum 2 pages) written in one of the above-mentioned languages.

Incomplete applications will not be considered and previous recipients of the travel fund are not eligible.

Notification procedure: The Travel Fund Committee*** receives the applications and ranks them according to the information submitted. With approval of the Travel Fund Committee, the chair will then decide on both the applicants who will be granted a travel bursary and a waiting list, until Tuesday 30 April 2024.

The deadline for acceptance of the award is set on Wednesday 8 May 2024. Awards not accepted before the said deadline will be offered to the next candidate on the waiting list. Please note that early bird registration will end on 20 May 2024, reason why we urge you to respect this deadline and to respond as soon as possible.

Proof of attendance: The travel grant is given after proof of attendance at the conference. For this reason, the recipients will receive a form, which must be filled out, signed and given to the ISCHE Secretary (Angelo Van Gorp) during the conference.

*For information on how to become a member, please see

**Please note that the crucial factor for the Low-GDP status is not the country of origin but the country of the institutional affiliation. The list of low-GDP countries includes:

  • African countries
  • Asian countries (with following exceptions: Bahrain, Brunei Darussalam, Hong Kong SAR, Israel, Japan, Republic of Korea, Kuwait, Macau SAR, Qatar, Singapore, UAE)
  • Latin American countries (exception: Bahamas)
  • and the following countries in wider Europe: Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Georgia, Greece, Hungary, Kazakhstan, Kosovo, Latvia, Lithuania, FYR of Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Turkey and Ukraine.

***2024 Travel Fund Committee: Luis Grosso Correia (chair), Matilda Keynes, Lisa Rosén Rasmussen, Lajos Somogyvári & Angelo Van Gorp

ISCHE Travel Fund recipients

ISCHE 45 “(De)Coloniality and Diversity in the Histories of Education” – Natal, Brazil, 18 – 21 August 2024

  • Aksoy Seyma
  • Dayana Murgia
  • Fatima Nascimento
  • Francesco Carloni
  • Heverton Reis
  • Mayra Mugnaini
  • Pamela Reisin
  • Pi Chengjie

ISCHE 44 “Histories of Education and Reform: Traditions, Tensions and Transitions” – Budapest, Hungary, 18 – 21 July 2023

  • Mohammad Abul Fateh
  • Arturo Benedicto Medina
  • Sandra Sylvia de Santana Ziegler

ISCHE 43 “Histories of Educational Technologies: Cultural and Social Dimensions of Pedagogical Objects” – Milan, Italy, 31 August – 3 September 2022

  • Lucila da Silva
  • Krishna Roy

ISCHE 41 “Spaces and Places of Education” – Porto, Portugal, 17 – 20 July 2019

  • Adrián Martín Azrak
  • Andrés Eduardo Garcia Lainez
  • Fátima Aparecida do Nascimento
  • Iván Pablo Orbuch
  • John J. Cárdenas-Herrera
  • Rafaela Silva Rabelo
  • Sara Black
  • Meng Wang
  • Edgleide de Oliveira Clemente da Silva

ISCHE 40 “Education and Nature” – Berlin, Germany, August 29-September 1, 2018

  • Catriona Delaney
  • Edgleide Clemente da Silva
  • Maria Williams
  • Meng Weng
  • Sara Legrand Jacques
  • Sousthene Meboma

ISCHE 39 “Education and Emancipation” – Buenos Aires, Argentina, July 18-21, 2017

  • Alba María Gómez Sánchez
  • Alejandro Ortiz
  • Fabienne Serina Karsky
  • Fabrício Valentim
  • Franciele Ruiz
  • Julieta Briseno
  • Nicholas Krysczka
  • Sandra Herrera Restrepo
  • Tatiana Ermel
  • Victoria Almiron