Launch: Connecting Education. Global Information on History of Education

Launch: Connecting Education. Global Information on History of Education

Connecting Education. Global Information on History of Education ( is a new tool especially directed to the scientific  community of historians of education, with the purpose of canalizing, without comments or evaluations, the global flow of information and research.

Anyone interested can collaborate by sending information linked to the History of Education related to the following subjects: call for papers of specialized journals; congresses, conferences, seminars and other similar scientific events; scientific societies.

The information can be sent through a contact form in one of the following languages: English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish.

Previous Call for Papers: Connecting the Entangled History of Education via Scientific Journals. DEADLINE: Nov. 15, 2016
Next CFP - Society, Education and Elites. DEADLINE: Dec. 31, 2016

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