CFP: Thinking education from the periphery
Thinking education from the periphery: Lifelong learning anddigital transitions in low-density territories
Call for papers
[thematic issue] Edited by Ana Isabel Madeira and Helena Cabeleira
[Instituto de Educação da Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal]
Deadline for submission of proposals: June 30, 2021
Ageing dynamics in the 21st Century, particularly in low-density territories, are compromising the economic and social cohesion and sustainability of rural contexts. The effects of the SARS-CoV2 pandemic have further accentuated the digital divide and the participation of adults in lifelong learning processes, highlighting educational inequalities and the exclusion of older people from civic
and social participation. The development of historiographical practices within the scope of Public History has played an important role in the production of historical knowledge and the strengthening of community identity, namely through Oral History, activating collective memory, rescuing historical heritage, and giving visibility to local culture. This call for articles aims to contribute to the (re)collection
of empirical data, experiences and case studies that evidence the construction of a public space for education, by showcasing good-practices and examples of regional-local educational innovations in the field of curriculum development. We also welcome author’s contributions in the framework of continuing teacher education and training, or in the establishment of partnerships between higher education institutions, local communities of practice and public authorities regarding issues of ‘local’ educational heritage.
Keywords: Public History / Public Memory / History of the Present / Living Archives / Life-long
learning / Digital Divide / Digital Literacy / Active ageing / Community-based Education / Inclusive
education / Territories of low density / Public Space for Education
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