Conference, University of Copenhagen, February 12–14, 2025
This conference invites scholars interested in the history and present of the counter-university to share their ideas on this significant yet under-researched transnational phenomenon. Despite the wide spread and centrality of the counter-university, research so far has hesitated to approach the phenomenon and its diverse manifestations as spatially as well as temporally connected. Therefore, this conference is dedicated to open a discussion about counter-universities’ pasts and presents and to assess their role in world-wide struggles for social and educational reforms.
Deadline for abstracts: 16 May 2024
Decisions by: 31 May 2024
Conference Date: 12–14 February 2025
Conference Venue: University of Copenhagen
In particular, we are looking for case studies as well as broader comparative and analytical papers that situate the phenomenon in the history of protest, counterculture and higher education. Among others, we welcome papers from history, history of education, history of science, art history, cultural studies, sociology, and social movements studies.
Particularly welcome are contributions addressing the following topics:
- “Political”/”Critical”/”Free”/”Anti”-universities of the 1960s and 70s, and their
offshoots - Women’s universities; feminist university projects; gay and queer counter-universities
- Counter-universities and learning spaces in art (historical and contemporary)
- “Democratic”/”citizens’”/”people’s” universities; counter-universities and trade unions
- Ecological and green counter-universities’ past and present
- Mobile/Travelling Universities
- Populist and right-wing counter-universities
- Counter-universities and social struggles of the present
- PLEASE NOT: state reform projects in higher education, if there is no direct connection to movement’s / artists’ activities
If you are interested in participating, please submit your abstract (of no more than 500 words, for a presentation of about 30 minutes) to by May 16, 2024.
Decisions on the acceptance or rejection of proposals will be announced by the end of May 2024.
Please click here to download the full call for papers
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