CfP NW 17 (Histories of Education) at ECER 2025, Belgrade
The ECER 2025 Theme is ‘Charting the Way Forward: Education, Research, Potentials and Perspectives’. However, EERA welcomes contributions from the broad range of educational research. In addition to the general call, some networks would like to encourage discussion on specific thematic topics and have therefore issued a special call. However, they will remain open for all other submissions within their area.
Date: 8 – 12 September 2025
Location: University of Belgrade, Serbia
Special Call Network 17 Histories of education
Charting the way forward: Integrating historical perspectives and inquiries into contemporary educational debates
Education is a future-oriented enterprise, implying possibilities, and potentially utopian ideals of what a positive future should look like. Educational theory and practice are thus a bridge between the lived present and desired future. But education is also an enterprise firmly rooted in the past. In this special call we invite reflection on the overall conference theme, ‘charting the way forward’, from perspectives informed by the past. We invite methodologically and theoretically focused contributions which draw on historical evidence and historical/interdisciplinary approaches to interrogate the extent to which education can and should direct and inform our futures.
Submission deadline: 31 January 2025
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