CfP – ISCHE 45 Natal, Brazil – (De)Coloniality and Diversity in the Histories of Education

ISCHE, the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, the Instituto Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, and the Brazilian Society of the History of Education would like to invite scholars to submit their contributions and to participate with their research in the 2024 edition of the International Standing Conference for the History of Education, taking place on 18-21 August 2024 at the campus of the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte in Natal, Brazil. The in-person conference is followed by an online event on Sept 5-6.

The conference will receive submissions through six strands:

  1. (De)colonizing processes in educational history: agents, policies, reforms and resistance.
  2. Diversity and intersectionality in educational history: e.g. race, class, gender, indigeneity, ethnic and linguistic minorities, disabilities or sexual, religious and political diversity and disagreement.
  3. Tools and practices of diversity and (de)colonization: school cultures, teaching technologies, and educational strategies.
  4. Diversity and (de)coloniality of educational histories in schools, museums and beyond: spaces and institutions.
  5. The quest for diversity and (de)colonization in educational historiography: methods, archives and sources.
  6. Diversity and (de)coloniality in teaching educational history: Which narratives of the past? Which pedagogies?

Conference dates: 18-21 August 2024, in person, Natal, Brazil and 5-6 September 2024, online
Conference venue: Campus UFRN, Natal, Brazil
Conference webpage:

Please click below to download the full CfP in one of ISCHE’s official languages.
Englisch  French  German  Portuguese  Spanish

Submissions are to be made via the ISCHE submission system at:

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