Call For Papers: ISCHE 40 Berlin

Call For Papers: ISCHE 40 Berlin


ISCHE 40 | Education and Nature
Aug. 29-Sep. 1, 2018 in Berlin, Germany



The call for papers is available in the four ISCHE official languages: English, French, German and Spanish.


Important Dates:
Deadline for submission: January 31, 2018
Notification of acceptance: March 15, 2018


ISCHE welcomes the following types of submissions:

[1] Individual papers. Accepted papers will be placed on panels with each panelist having 15-18 minutes to present.  Proposals should be a maximum of 500 words excluding bibliography.

[2] Preformed panels. Accepted panels will be allotted 90 minutes and typically should feature 3-5 panelists with time left for discussion. These proposals should include a 500 word abstract of the proposed panel, followed by titles, author information, and 200-300 word abstracts, excluding bibliography, of each of the papers.

[3] Multilingual panels, with at least two languages represented. Accepted multilingual panels will be highlighted by the local organizers and will be allotted 120 minutes and typically feature 3-5 panelists with ample time left for discussion and cross-language exchange. These proposals should include a 500 word abstract of the proposed multilingual panel, followed by titles, author information, and 200-300 word abstracts, excluding bibliography, of each of the papers.

[4] Symposia, consisting of two to four preformed 90 minute panels with a minimum of three countries represented among the participants.  In addition the symposium must include a discussant. Accepted symposia will have their panels scheduled across the conference dates in the order presented, though it may not be possible to have a symposium’s panels scheduled in back-to-back sessions. These proposals should include a 500 word abstract of the proposed symposium, followed by information on each panel included within the symposium, along with titles, author information, and 200-300 word abstracts, excluding bibliography, of each of the papers.


Further information on how to submit a proposal will be available soon.


Previous CFP: Examinations, Degrees and Diplomas. 6-8 Sep 2018. Deadline: Oct. 31, 2017
Next CFP: Globalizing the student rebellion in the long '68. Deadline Apr. 4 2018

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