Call for Papers: Connecting the Entangled History of Education via Scientific Journals. DEADLINE: Nov. 15, 2016
Call for Papers
Connecting the Entangled History of Education via Scientific Journals.
Journals specializing in the History of Education constitute one of the main sources that document the development of our discipline from a comparative and international perspective; hence the envisaged volume dedicated to the analysis of academic journals in our field. Essays to be published in this volume will be based on a transnational, interconnected approach:
– The SWG purposefully seeks to investigate the international evolution of the discipline.
– Scientific journals aim in their principal mission to synergize, diffuse and collectively discuss research results.
– The process of globalization that characterizes the academic world – one effect being new forms of evaluation of research and researchers – heavily influences journals that have to comply with these forms in order to be recognized.
– History of Education itself also participates in the transcultural turn and in the movement of entangled history. It offers a particularly interesting contribution since education is anchored in specific contexts that are situated on several levels. It is therefore a particularly interesting domain in order to study phenomena of circulation (of theories, models, populations) and the dialectics of local, regional, national and international “pressures”, impulses, prescriptions, evaluations, and so on. Based on these different perspectives and taking into account the existing literature on this topic, each contribution to the volume will focus on one or several international journals of History of Education or engage in comparison between more than one regional or national journal.
Please see the full call for papers here.
Deadline for abstract submission: November 15, 2016 (please send to:,
Response: By January 31, 2017 at the latest.
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