CFP: Annual meeting of the Finnish Society for History and Philosophy of Education (FSHPE). June 11-12 2019 Oulu, Finland.
March 12, 2019 1266 Views

CFP: Annual meeting of the Finnish Society for History and Philosophy of Education (FSHPE). June 11-12 2019 Oulu, Finland.



Call for papers

Annual meeting of the Finnish Society for History and Philosophy of Education (FSHPE)
June 11.-12. 2019, University of Oulu, Oulu Finland



The theme of the 2019 FSHPE conference is the meanings of global and local in the history and philosophy of education.

On one hand the tradition of philosophy of education is borne out of ideas that have sustained a certain degree of generality. Such ideas relate to ethics, human rights, good life, and values, for example. While such ideas flow across nation borders and thus could be seen as global themselves, can they be defended as substantially universal? And if yes, to what extent and on what grounds?

On the other hand the ongoing process of globalization and shared common problems connected to it (e.g. climate change, refugee crises, rootlessness, and political populism) have created a strengthening need for educating globally-minded citizens (according to e.g. Nussbaum) who are able to communicate straightforwardly with each other (according to e.g. Habermas). This is to say that regardless of the stance one has toward the philosophical question of universalism, these global problems exist and require that individuals with different backgrounds and values work together to solve them.

As a result, educational institutions, programs, and policies in different continents find value in global trends and many school-related practices have become increasingly alike. Are the local ways of knowing and acting endangered at this time? While the right and left wing extremists raise concerns in many public and private arenas, is there a way in education to counteract such radicalism while fostering rootedness in the face of globalism? Furthermore, is there something that can be learned from the history of education that can help us tackle the challenges of today?

The program committee of the annual meeting of the Finnish Society for History and Philosophy of Education invites senior and young researchers, students and other curious minds to explore the meanings and questions of global and local in the history and the philosophy of education. However, the call is open and submissions do not have to address the theme directly. Presentations are welcome in English, Finnish and Swedish.
FSHPE is a SIG-group of the Finnish Educational Research Association (FERA).

Deadline and Submission Format
Deadline for abstracts (no longer than 1 page) must be submitted by March 15, 2019 to Decisions will be announced April 10, 2019.

Note: the conference has no fee

Previous CFP: MiMoRA#2 Sep. 5-13. Deadline Mar. 19 2019
Next Launch of the UNESCO Crowdsourcing Initiative

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