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Call for papers

Pre-Conference Workshops at ISCHE 44: Call for Contributions

The ISCHE Executive Committee invites proposals for pre-conference workshops to be held on 17 July 2023. Since 2013, members of ISCHE have organized half-day pre-conference workshops to initiate collective discussions

Call for papers

REFORPRO SWG invites submissions to ISCHE 41 Conference. Deadline: Jan. 31, 2019

  ISCHE 41 (17 – 20 July 2019) – Porto, Portugal Standing Working Group REFORPRO: Reformism (s), Progressivism (s), Conservatism (s) in education: what critical argumentations? Deadline: January 31, 2019

Call for papers

Call for Papers – ISCHE 39 Pre-Conference Workshop The Visual and History Practice in the Digital Age. Deadline: Jan. 31, 2017

Call for Papers ISCHE 39 Pre-Conference Workshop The Visual and History Practice in the Digital Age Convenors: Tim Allender, Ines Dussel, Ian Grosvenor, Karin Priem,