As in previous years, ISCHE 45 offers the possibility of organizing a pre-conference workshop (PCW). Such workshops are small focused meetings that will take place on Sunday, 18 August 2024, immediately before the main ISCHE conference will start, and are considered integral parts of the conference.

PCWs are intended to provoke intellectual discussion, among a diverse range of participants, on a specific topic that does not relate to the conference theme. PCWs may also consist of workshops discussing critical issues, methods, theories emerging in the field. PCWs may include some invited speakers and presenters, but must also include a public call for presentations. PCW organizers and presenters are expected to register and participate in the accompanying ISCHE conference. The overall number of attendees may be limited. ISCHE offers no financial support for such workshops, but conference registrants will be able to pre-register for PCWs at no additional fee.

Proposers should initially contact the Secretary of ISCHE, Angelo Van Gorp (, for advice about preparing an application. After consultation, the conveners for a PCW should submit a proposal by 29 February containing the following information:

  • The names and contact details of the PCW conveners;
  • A one-page argument stating the intellectual objectives of the pre-conference workshop (including how it is related to ISCHE goals);
  • Evidence that the PCW’s objectives does not overlap with existing Standing Working Groups;
  • A list of potential contributors to such a workshop that demonstrates geographical diversity
  • Indication of the length of the event (e.g., full day, half day, two hours)

The ISCHE EC will decide on the acceptance of proposals. Once finalized, the program of the PCW is posted on the ISCHE conference website.

Previous Extended Submission Time ISCHE 45: 10 February 2024
Next Canadian History of Education Association - Call for Papers

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