Call for Pre-Conference Workshop Proposals (Chicago August 2016 ISCHE Conference)

Call for Pre-Conference Workshop Proposals (Chicago August 2016 ISCHE Conference)

The ISCHE Executive Committee invites proposals for pre-conference workshops to be held (Tuesday 16 August) prior to the start of ISCHE 38.  Since 2013, members of ISCHE have organized half-day pre-conference workshops to initiate collective discussions about a specific topic. These workshops are limited in terms of participants but open to the attendees of the main ISCHE conference.  Pre-conference workshops may include some invited speakers and presenters but must also include a public call for submissions.   Both the convenors and all participants in pre-conference workshops are required to register for the main ISCHE conference.  Participation in a pre-conference workshop will require advance registration via the general conference registration system and the overall number of participants may be limited.

A proposal for a pre-conference workshop should include the following:

–The names and contact details of the convenors

–One page argument stating the intellectual objectives and added value of the pre-conference workshop including how it is related to ISCHE goals

–Evidence that the workshop’s objectives do not overlap with existing Standing Working Groups (SWGs)

–List of potential contributors to such a workshop that demonstrates geographical diversity

–Indication of the time-frame required for the workshop (e.g. 3 hours, 5 hours)

The request for a pre-conference workshop to be held on Tuesday 16 August at ISCHE 38 in Chicago should be submitted to the Executive Committee by October 15, 2015 at Together with the local organizing committee, the Executive Committee will decide whether to authorize the pre-conference. The number of such pre-conference workshops depends on the local organizing committee’s ability to provide facilities.


Oct. 15, 2015: Submissions for Pre-Conference Workshops due

Nov. 9, 2015: Convenors informed of proposal decisions

Nov. 16, 2015: Call for Submissions for Approved Pre-Conference Workshops Posted on ISCHE Website

December 31, 2015: Deadline for Submissions to a Pre-Conference Workshop

March 31, 2015: Pre-Conference Workshop Schedules Established

Previous Congratulations to Tina van der Vlies, 2014 ISCHE Prize Winner
Next ISCHE Caribbean Regional Workshop Call for Papers - 3-4 February 2016 (Barranquilla, Colombia) DEADLINE EXTENDED TO 17 OCTOBER 2015

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