Call for Papers – CHEA/ACHE 19th biennial conference (27-30 October 2016) Deadline: 15 March

Call for Papers – CHEA/ACHE 19th biennial conference (27-30 October 2016) Deadline: 15 March

The Canadian History of Education Association (CHEA/ACHE) call for papers for its 19th biennial conference Teaching Nation?: Histories of Education and the Politics of Commemoration. The conference will be in Waterloo, Ontario from October 27-30, 2016. The full CFP can be found in english here and in french here. The submission deadline is March 15, 2016.

Previous Call for Papers - ANZHES/HES UK Joint Conference (18-20 November 2016) Deadline: 31 March|2nd call: 31 July
Next Appel à articles pour la Revue d’histoire de l’enfance «irrégulière»

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