Call for Papers – ISCHE Pre-Conference Workshop on “The Concept of the Transnational” 23 June 2015

ISCHE is pleased to announce that prior to the June conference in Istanbul we will hold a pre-conference workshop (23 June 2015) titled: The Concept of the “Transnational”: Approaches – Research Areas – Challenges.  The ever increasing volume, channels and speed of transnational motion of ideas, goods, and people has driven scholars to find new ways to conceptualize historical actors’ movements and global networks. However, transnational approaches vary, there is no consensus yet about their theoretical contexts and appropriate methods and there has not been yet a thoroughly and systematic reflection on the challenges of transnational history to historical investigation in general.  Interested participants are invited to propose presentations on either “Case Studies” or “Challenges”.  The deadline for proposals is 31 January 2015 – please address them to the pre-converence co-convenors: Eugenia Roldán Vera ( and/or Eckhardt Fuchs (   Additional information available here.

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