Call for Papers – Brazilian Journal of History of Education
Revista Brasileira de História da Educação
The Revista Brasileira de História da Educação [Brazilian History of Education Journal] (RBHE) (e-ISSN 2238-0094) is the official publication of the Sociedade Brasileira de História da Educação [Brazilian History of Education Society] (SBHE). Based in the Universidade Estadual de Maringá [State University of Maringá], the RBHE is an open access journal and has been circulating in national and international academic spheres since 2001. The journal regularly features unpublished articles derived from researches addressing themes associated with the history and the historiography of education. The RBHE has as objectives the wide dissemination of knowledge and the promotion of discussions about different issues surrounding history of education research and teaching, from an interdisciplinary and plural perspective, in theoretical and methodological terms. The periodical also publishes documents, reviews and reading notes, as well as interviews with outstanding national and international personalities. RBHE is indexed in SciELO.
- As a qualified periodical, the journal requires a minimum doctoral degree for authors interested in submitting manuscripts. In the case of collective authorship (maximum of 04 authors), at least one of them must have this degree. RBHE accepts articles from authors regardless of their institutional origin.
- The texts submitted must be unpublished and must respect the criterion of originality of content.
- The manuscript must not contain authorship identification in any part of the text, whether in footnotes, bibliographic reference or ownership of the document.
Click here for more information and the complete call for papers in English, French, Portuguese, and Spanish: History of Education and the teaching of Social Sciences.
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