March 10, 2020 1722 Views

Call for Papers – ANZHES Conference 2020

Conference theme: Generations and Generational Change

University of Melbourne November 19-22, 2020

Conference convenors: Professor Julie McLeod, University of Melbourne and Associate Professor Helen Proctor, University of Sydney.

From Karl Mannheim’s 1928 essay on ‘The problem of generations’ to popular characterisations of Gen X, Y, millennials or the more pointed refrain, ‘hey Boomer!’, the category of ‘generation’ distils historical trends, ideas, and phenomena in particular time periods, leaving open questions about generational change and continuities. Generations is also a cross-over category that speaks to intergenerational dynamics and families as much as it does to political and social moods, the zeitgeist or spirit of the time. For historians of education, the notion of generations has been a powerful organising concept, sometimes engaged explicitly, often implicitly. Schools, for example, have been written about as part of the formation of new generations, and as mediating generational disruptions and continuities of educational ideas, professional norms, family expectations, new and experienced teachers – and more. For the 2020 ANZHES conference, we invite you to consider ‘generations and generational change’ from a multitude of historical perspectives and questions. Thematic and topic areas can encompass a focus on concepts and theorising, or a particular generation/s, or processes of generational change understood broadly – ideas, systems, networks, people, governance – and include: • Generational shifts in historiographical traditions and academic research methods • Migration and mobility • Stolen and forgotten generations • Educational ideas and practices • Curriculum and culture • Public pedagogies • Youth, age, childhood • Colonialism • Generational nostalgia and affect • Teaching, teachers and intergenerational knowledge • New and old materialism • Futurity • Education systems, governance and reform • Biography • Family, community, schooling. Timeline Abstracts due: June 1, 2020 Outcome of abstract submissions: advised by June 30, 2020 Draft program: August 31, 2020
Early bird registration closes: September 15, 2020 Program finalised: September 30, 2020 Conference dates: Thursday 19-Sunday 22 Nov 2020.

Paper proposal format: Please submit an abstract of 300-400 words, clearly explaining the focus of your paper, including the following: • Title • Author(s) – including their affiliation & email addresses • 3-5 keywords • Substance/argument – what the paper will deal with, and why • General description of research questions, objectives and theoretical framework • Methods/methodology/approach/mode of inquiry • Links to conference theme(s), where appropriate • Select representative references.

Abstract submission: Please send to Associate Professor Helen Proctor by email attachment: with ANZHES 2020 Paper proposal in the subject line. DUE MONDAY 1st JUNE 2020

Please watch the ANZHES website for updates, including specific information for postgrads and ECRs. If you would like to be added to our email list, please notify Helen Proctor on the address above. Please include ANZHES 2020 in the subject line of all conference correspondence.

There will not be a dedicated conference special issue, but presenters will be invited to submit their worked-up papers to History of Education Review for consideration, after the conference.

Next Call for Abstracts Jahrbuch für Historische Bildungsforschung 27 (2021)

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