Call for Papers 2014 History of Education Society (US) 5-9 Nov 2014 (Indianapolis)
November 5 – November 9, 2014
The Program Committee invites proposals on all topics relevant to the history of education in any time period or nation, and especially papers or panels that cross cultures, time periods, or national boundaries. The Committee defines ‘education’ broadly, to include all institutions of socialization — mass media, voluntary organizations, and so on — as well as schools and universities. We invite proposals for individual papers, complete paper sessions, panel discussions, or workshops. For the 2014 conference, we welcome proposals on any aspect of the history of education, and encourage members to consider submitting proposals on the following topics:
- Research methods in the history of education (quantitative research, oral history, digital humanities, archival research, new types of sources, historiography, etc.)
- Teaching the history of education (pedagogical strategies, primary sources and teaching, the place of history of education in a curriculum, etc.)
- The role of philanthropy in the history of education
Proposals are due on or before Monday, March 3, 2014 (no later than9:00 p.m., PT).
The submission website will be available beginning January 15.
A proposal for an individual paper spells out the paper’s focus and rationale; if accepted, this paper and others related to it will be combined into a paper session. An individual-paper proposal should be single-spaced and no more than two pages long, not including references. The proposal should include the following elements: the topic and an overview of the study; the findings or conclusions; the significance and how the work relates to other scholarship in the field; and the sources.
A proposal for a complete paper session provides a prospectus for a coherent collection of three or four papers, including a title for the session, and a title and summary of each paper. A paper-session proposal should be single-spaced and no more than four pages long, not including references. The proposal should include the topic and an overview of the discussion; the findings or conclusions; the significance and how the session relates to other scholarship in the field; and the sources.
A proposal for a panel discussion outlines a session in which a group of qualified panelists presents a series of thought pieces that discuss important issues, research, or books in the field. A panel-discussion proposal should be single-spaced and no more than four pages long, not including references. The proposal should include: the topic or theme, an overview of the discussion; and the findings or conclusions and how they contribute to the field.
A proposal for a workshop explains the focus of the session and how it will proceed. A workshop proposal should be single-spaced and no more than four pages long, not including references. The proposal should describe the organization of the workshop, intended audience, activities, and connections to larger issues in the field.
For all proposals: Please eliminate any identifying information from your proposal before uploading it but include the affiliations and email addresses for all participants elsewhere as instructed on the website.
To submit a proposal, please go to our proposal submission website, https://cmt.research.
You will be asked to log into, or create, an account. (Note: It is essential to use https. Using simply http will not get you access.) The simple prompts will then guide you in entering your proposal information, uploading your proposal, and providing some additional information, including an abstract of your paper or session.
The History of Education Society requires all presenters at the 2014 conference to be members of the society. Invitations for membership will be sent to authors of accepted proposals along with details about the conference.
For questions about proposals, please contact Christine Ogren, program chair, email:; telephone: 319-335-5202, or mail: Educational Policy and Leadership Studies, The University of Iowa, N491 Lindquist Center, Iowa City, IA 52242.
For questions about technical issues related to submitting proposals, please contact Mark Hopkins. For questions about payments and registration, please contact Ralph Kidder.
Please plan to join us in Indianapolis!
Modeled on Washington, D.C. and capital of the Hoosier state, Indianapolis is known as the “Circle City.” Our conference venue, the Sheraton, is located at the heart of downtown on historic Monument Circle, near a wide range of eateries and within walking distance of the Indiana Historical Society. Indianapolis is home to a rich array of educational institutions, nonprofit organizations, and museums (including an internationally-known Children’s Museum), as well as a number of monuments, libraries, and historic sites related to the lives and contributions of local and national figures–notably, President Benjamin Harrison, poet James Whitcomb Riley, author Kurt Vonnegut, and entrepreneur-philanthropist Madame CJ Walker. For a quick view of the city, see
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