April 6, 2015 3285 Views

Call for Nominations – US HES Barnard Prize for Best Essay Written by a Graduate Student

The US History of Education Society awards a prize of $750 biennially for the best graduate student essay in the history of education, broadly defined to cover a wide range of educational and cultural institutions inside and outside of the United States. This includes work on schools and universities, teachers, students, and families. Nominations by faculty, graduate advisors, department chairs, and deans, as well as self-nominations by students, are welcome. Authors must be students at the time of submission, and essays must be unpublished works. The winning essay will be published in History of Education Quarterly.

HES also extends a $250 travel supplement to the Barnard Prize winner for her/his attendance at the annual meeting, and covers the costs of registration and the banquet. The 2015 HES meeting will be Thursday, November 5 -Sunday, November 8, 2015 at the Saint Louis Hilton at the Ballpark. For more information about the annual meeting, go to http://www.historyofeducation.org

The deadline for submissions is May 15, 2015.

Entrants should e-mail the essay and a one-page vita as separate attachments (in Microsoft Word) to ddamico2@gmu.edu.  Manuscripts should adhere to The Chicago Manual of Style, be double-spaced in 12-point font, and not exceed 35 pages in length including endnotes; the author’s name should appear only on the cover page. For further instructions, see the History of Education Quarterly author guidelines.

Committee Members: Diana D’Amico (chair, George Mason University); Jonna Perrillo, University of Texas, El Paso; and Tracy Steffes, Brown University.
Direct any questions to:
Diana D’Amico
Assistant Professor
Center for Education Policy and Evaluation
College of Education and Human Development
George Mason University
Email: ddamico2@gmu.edu
Office: 703-993-5596


Previous Le premier prix d’Histoire de l’éducation Robert Mallet a été remis à Mme Thuy Phuong Nguyen (Université Paris Descartes)
Next Request for Nominations to ISCHE Executive Committee

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