May 31, 2019 1744 Views

Call for Nominations for joining the Executive Committee

ISCHE announces that the Call for Nominations for joining the Executive Committee is open until June 17th, 2019.  There are two positions available this year. Individuals may be nominated for the EC either by an affiliated association or by two individual members of ISCHE. Candidates have to provide a 1-page CV and a 1-page statement that, if part of a valid nomination, will be distributed along with the package for the GA meeting.The support letters can be written in any of the four ISCHE languages, but it is recommended that the statement and CV are presented in English so as to ensure that the maximum number of members can read them.

Please send your nomination to ISCHE’s Secretary, Inés Dussel (

IMPORTANT: Nominations received after June 17th, 2019 will not be considered.

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