July 29, 2020 1136 Views

Call for Applications – Post-Doctorate Fellowship at the School of Education of the University of São Paulo

Project title: KNOWLEDGES AND PRACTICES AT THE BORDERS: for a transnational history of education (1810 – …)

Main researcher: Diana Gonçalves Vidal

Unit/Institution: School of Education of USP

Deadline for applications: 31 August 2020

We hereby announce the opening of a Post-Doctorate Fellow position at the School of Education of the University of São Paulo. The post is linked to the FAPESP Thematic Project entitled “KNOWLEDGES AND PRACTICES AT THE BORDERS: for a transnational history of education (1810-…)” coordinated by Diana Gonçalves Vidal. Within the main project we welcome applications for the development of the subproject “The NEF in the South American circuit”.

Please find more information here.

Application information:

Candidates to this position should contact Prof Diana Gonçalves Vidal through her email (dvidal@usp.br) communicating their wish to take part in the selection process, and attaching the following documentation:

  1. a) Curriculum Vitae of the candidate (Lattes CV);
    b) Curriculum Summary of the candidate (please see instructions on www.fapesp.br/sumula);
    c) An introduction letter containing the reasons for the interest in developing the subproject “The NEF in the South American circuit”;
    d) Two letters of reference from professors from the areas in which the candidate has worked.
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