Call for Applications History of Education Doctoral Summer School – Groningen 9-12 June 2016

Call for Applications History of Education Doctoral Summer School – Groningen 9-12 June 2016

The 7th annual History of Education Doctoral Summer School, which will take place at the University of Groningen, The Netherlands, 9-12 June 2016.  Applications are invited from postgraduate students in the history of Education with an interest in the histories of educational spaces and discourses and new ways of working with images, artefacts, and archives. Leading international historians of education will give lectures and workshops, and offer advice concerning the research process. There will be opportunities for students to discuss their dissertation projects with fellow doctoral candidates and receive comments from prominent scholars in the field.

The summer school started as an initiative of EERA’s Network 17, ‘Histories of Education’, and is the seventh conference in a series of successful events that started in Ghent in 2010 and was followed by meetings in Birmingham 2011, Lisbon 2012, Hamburg 2013, Umeå 2014 and Luxembourg 2015. This edition of the summer school is organised by the University of Groningen.

The conference is supported by the

  • Stichting Paedagogica Historica;
  • History of Education Society, UK;
  • European Educational Research Association (EERA);
  • International Standing Conference for the History of Education (ISCHE);
  • Faculty of Behavioural and Social Sciences, University of Groningen.

The number of participants is limited to 30 students. The conference language is English.

Participation in the conference is free of charge. Accommodation and meals will be provided, but delegates will have to cover the cost for their travel to Groningen.

Application forms can be retrieved from and should be sent to Closing date for applications is 31 December 2015. Successful applicants will be notified in February 2016.

Advisors/Tutors: María del Mar del Pozo Andrés (University of Alcalá, Spain), Ian Grosvenor (University of Birmingham, UK), Fabio Pruneri (University Degli Studi di Sassari, Italy), Noah Sobe (Loyola University Chicago, US), Frank Simon, Angelo Van Gorp (Ghent University, Belgium), Hilda Amsing, Nelleke Bakker, Jeroen Dekker, Sanne Parlevliet, Piet van der Ploeg (University of Groningen, the Netherlands).

Local organisers: Jeroen Dekker (chair), Hilda Amsing, Nelleke Bakker, Linda Greveling, Sanne Parlevliet, Piet van der Ploeg.

For formal queries (e.g., regarding eligibility criteria, application form), contact: Angelo Van Gorp, Summer School lead (

For practical queries (e.g., regarding travel, venue, meals, accompanying persons), contact: Hilda Amsing, representative of the LoC (

A flyer is available here.

Previous ISCHE Caribbean Regional Workshop Call for Papers - 3-4 February 2016 (Barranquilla, Colombia) DEADLINE EXTENDED TO 17 OCTOBER 2015
Next Presidential Newsletter (25 September 2015)

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