Call for Abstracts Jahrbuch für Historische Bildungsforschung 27 (2021)

Subject focus:  “Body”

Editorial team: Esther Berner & Johanna Lauff

Please find more content-related information in a PDF below:

CfA ENGLISH Body Jahrbuch für Historische Bildungsforschung

We are calling for contributions with a historical educational perspective in the following and related subject areas:

• Body and movement in educational spheres of institutional and non-institutional nature
• The body as a medium and effect of processes of education, socialisation, and habitus formation
• The significance of the body in gender constructions and education
• The role of education in developing individual and collective bodily disciplines
• Effects of mind-body epistemological transformations on theories of education and learning
• Corporal and physical experience in the context of cognition and learning
• Physical and aesthetic aspects of education and educational ideals
• The equipment of physical education settings with objects, the significance of specific spatial arrangements and of media and technologies

Please email abstracts (max. 600 words) to the editors by 15 June 2020.
Authors will be invited on 15 July 2020.
The contributions must be received by 1 November 2020.
The volume will appear in July 2021, and for the first time also in a digital version.

Editorial team:
Prof. Dr. Esther Berner, Helmut Schmidt University, University of the German Federal Armed Forces in Hamburg,
Johanna Lauff M.A., Helmut Schmidt University, University of the German Federal Armed Forces in Hamburg,

Previous Call for Papers - ANZHES Conference 2020
Next Professor (W3) for Educational Sciences / focus on Educational Theory at University of Koblenz-Landau

About author

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