Call for Abstracts: Conservatism and Education
April 30, 2019 1685 Views

Call for Abstracts: Conservatism and Education

The “Jahrbuch für Historische Bildungsforschung” calls for abstracts for a special issue on “conservatism and education”.

Editors: Michael Geiss and Sabine Reh

The special issue will focus on conservative options in the context of increasingly democratic societies. We are particularly interested in contributions that relate conservative approaches in educational thought and action to the social, institutional, colonial and gender-status situations in the 19th and early 20th centuries as well as the decades after the end of the Second World War.
Contributions should deal with the difficulties of interpreting the relationship between conservatism and education as mentioned above. The focus is therefore on the relationship between a political conservatism and an educational conservatism in the narrower sense. What does conservatism actually mean in the context of education and upbringing at different times, and how can it be reconstructed? What continuities of political and educational thought and practice can be characterized as conservative when their content and options have obviously changed over the last century and a half? Is it better to trace the phenomenon of conservatism by reconstructing social milieus and investigating networks than to proceed on the basis of ideas and concepts?

The editors look forward to receiving contributions

  1. on the concept of conservatism in its historical development and its relation to education
    and educational historiography,
  2. on the relationship between political conservatism and conservative thought and action
    in education,
  3. on the relationship between conservative parties and specific educational policy options,
  4. on the continuity of educational milieus which could be described as conservative,
    new formations and dissolutions of conservative networks in the educational establishment.
    Geographically and historically, the perspective is not limited to Germany between the
    German empire (Kaiserreich) and the end of the Cold War. Rather, contributions that
    take into account European, transatlantic and (post-)colonial interdependencies or later
    German-German developments are especially welcome.

Deadline for submitting abstracts (3.000 words): 30 June 2019

For more information see the full document of the call (German & Englisch): CfA JHB 26(2019)


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