Summer School in European Education Studies 2025 – Call for Applications
Venue: Institute of Education ULisboa, Portugal
Date: 23-26 June 2026
Application deadline: 31 March 2025
SUSEES is a Summer School in European Education Studies open to 20 emerging researchers from all across the world who intend to consolidate their expertise in studying education policies, practices and outcomes assuming the European dimension as the privileged point of observation.
The 2025 edition of SUSEES will be held at the Institute of Education, University of Lisbon, from June 23rd to 26th.
SUSEES promotes innovation in teaching and research, fostering theoretical and methodological imagination in the field of educational research, and acts as a laboratory for emergent researchers to develop interdisciplinary thinking and research about European education.
Participants will be involved in a 4 days and 30 hours module where renowned scholars from the field of educational research will be asked to present and discuss specific theories and related methodological developments and demonstrate how these are used in their own work on European education. The resulting dialogic and dynamic environment will provide participants with new insights on the potentials of the theoretical and methodological resources in producing new research questions on European education.
2025 SUSEES Teaching Staff
Luís Miguel Carvalho, University of Lisbon, PT
Mathias Decuypere, University of Zurich, CH
Sotiria Grek, University of Edinburgh, UK
Emiliano Grimaldi, University Federico II, IT
Paolo Landri, IRPPS-CNR, IT
Eric Mangez, University of Louvain, BE
Romuald Normand, University of Strasbourg, FR
Kristen Sivesind, University of Oslo, NO
Christian Ydesen, University of Zurich, CH
Pieter Vanden Broeck, University of M. Reggio Emilia, IT
Local organizers at ULisboa
Catarina Gonçalves
Erika Martins
Wiktoria Szawiel
Who can apply
Emerging researchers (PhD students and/or holders) interested in developing their expertise in the study of education in Europe.
How to apply
Send your CV, a letter describing your current main research project, and your motivation in participating to SUSEES to the following email address: by 31 March 2025.
The SUSEES Committee will select candidates and confirm acceptance by 15th April. Registration is due by 23 April 2025. SUSEES’s activities will be held in English. SUSEES 2025 has no fees.
Travel and accommodation
Participants will cover their own travel costs. Accommodation from 23rd to 26th June (4 nights) will be covered by the Institute of Education, ULisboa.
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