May 6, 2024 130 Views

Call for Articles – Ibero-American Studies Magazine

Dossier Digital History and Digital History of Education

Prof. Diana Gonçalves Vidal (FE-USP/IEB-USP)
Prof. Vinícius de Moraes Monção (UFF)
Prof. Patricia T. Raffaini (USP)

With the advent of the internet, the digitization of immense documentary collections and the development of software and search tools specific to the humanities, the historian’s work has undergone changes that have completely transformed his research practices, as well as the way in which knowledge produced is published. If the abundance of sources in digital media expands the possibilities of problems to be investigated, even influencing the formulation of new questions, it also brings an unprecedented difficulty in how to make critical use of these sources. This dossier intends to reflect on this new historiographical operation that uses digital media in the fields of History and History of Education.

Languages: Articles are accepted in English, Portuguese, and Spanish
Deadline for submitting articles:
30th July 2024
Publication: 2025

Link to the call and to submit


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