Digitale Vortragsreihe – Digital Lecture Series

Vormoderne Bildungsgeschichte online – die neue digitale Vortragsreihe des AVE

Mitte illi centum ducatos! Polish students in Basel and the theory of interdependence (15th–18th centuries)

The aim of the lecture is to present the educational contacts of Poles and Lithuanians with the University of Basel from the 15th to the 18th century. The results of source research and the analysis of bio-bibliographical data will be presented, showing various aspects of the studies undertaken in Basel by the inhabitants of the Polish Lithuanian Commonwealth. This will be based primarily on the prosopographical method (social, ethnic, geographical, and denominational composition), but also on an analysis of curricula, material living conditions during studies in Basel, subsequent careers in the socio-political structure of Polish-Lithuania, and social and intellectual contacts within the pan-European Republic of Letters. It will also be an opportunity to present the author’s method of exploring academic relationships based on the theory of interdependence. To show how complex the relationship between students and professors and the university can be.

Speaker: Robert T. Tomczak, Assistant Professor – Post-doc at the Faculty of History, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań and researcher at the Institute of History, Czech Academy of Sciences. His research interests include the history of Poland and the Czech Republic, with a special focus on intellectual and cultural contacts (15th–17th centuries); university history; the history of Switzerland and Polish-Swiss relations (15th–18th centuries); the history of Polish-Irish relations; and biographical studies, genealogy and heraldry. Scholarship holder of the Swiss Federation for Outstanding Scholars 2019–2020 at the University of Basel; the Polish Historical Mission at the University of Würzburg (2022) and the Lanckoroński Foundation (2022). Winner of the START Scholarship of the Foundation for Polish Science (2021) and the Professor Czesław Majorek Prize for the best doctoral thesis in the history of education (2021).

Termin: Mittwoch, 15. Mai 2024, 18.00 Uhr via ZOOM

Bitte melden Sie sich für den Vortrag bis zum 14. Mai 2024 per E-Mail an. Sie erhalten dann den Zoom-Link für die Veranstaltung.

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