CfA – Yearbook for the History of Education

Jahrbuch für Historische Bildungsforschung 31 (2025): Change and Intricacies of Educational Inequalities, Educational Institutions and Society in the Long 20th Century

The Yearbook for the History of Education (Jahrbuch für Historische Bildungsforschung, JHB) is published by the German Educational Research Association (GERA) in cooperation with the BBF Research Library for the History of Education, DIPF Leibniz Institute for Research and Information in Education.

Call for abstracts for the thematic section and Call for articles for the general section of the Jahrbuch für Historische Bildungsforschung/Yearbook for the History of Education, vol. 31 (2025)

The Jahrbuch für Historische Bildungsforschung (JHB) comprises a thematic section (A) that focuses on a defined topic and also a general section (B) for non-thematic papers on historical issues, as well as a source with commentary/interpretation. A call for abstracts will be issued for the thematic section (A) and a call for articles for the general part (B).

The 2025 edition of JHB will be published simultaneously as an electronic open access format ( and as a print version. The electronic version enables the dynamic integration of media content (as well as images and video, audio content can also be included). Contributions that present such media content are particularly welcome.

Click here for the full Call for Abstracts

Thematic section (A):

  • Please email your abstract and a short CV to the editors by 30 June 2024. The total length should not exceed 300 words.
  • Editors: Sandra Wenk Tilman Drope Joachim Scholz
  • Invitations to contribute will then be sent to the selected authors by the end of July. The deadline for papers will be 15 November 2024. The reviewing and revision process will be completed in February 2025. The volume will be published in summer of 2025.

General contributions and sources (B):

  • For the general section, contributions can be submitted until 15 November 2024. All historical topics are welcome. Contributions relating to the period before the 18th century are particularly welcome. In addition, if possible, one prominent source should be published each year and interpreted in its context.
  • Guidelines for manuscript design can be found at:
  • Please send your paper or your source proposal by e-mail to: Prof. Dr. Joachim Scholz


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