Canadian History of Education Association – Call for Papers

CHEA/ACHÉ 21st Biennial Conference: October 17-19, 2024

The Canadian History of Education Association/Association Canadienne d’histoire de l’éducation brings together students, educators, teacher educators, scholars, and community-based researchers to study the educational past from interdisciplinary perspectives. CHEA/ACHÉ broadly defines the history of education to include, but not be limited to, formal and informal settings for teaching and learning (e.g. curricula and pedagogy, as well as community groups), social and cultural approaches to education (i.e. from religious organizations to the arts), the study of children and youth (e.g. youth clubs, popular culture), as well as policy and governance of schooling (i.e. from leader biographies to policy document analysis).

Theme: Histories of Contemporary Issues in Education/History Education in Contemporary Times
The global pandemic and its aftermath have brought to the fore histories of the now. As we navigate our own positions within this historical moment, how do we, as historians of education and history educators, address contemporary issues?


  • “Close” or “contemporary” history
  • History of the present
  • Perceptions of time and historical consciousness and defining “contemporary”
  • History of educational policy and historical thinking applied to educational policy
  • History for justice
  • Presentism

Papers on any topic in the history of education or history education are also welcomed.

Conference Dates: October 17-19, 2024
Conference Location: Ottawa, Ontario – Lord Elgin
Deadline for Submissions: March 1st , 2024

Please click below to download the full Call for Paper in English or French

Full CfP English
Full CfP French

More information about the conference: on the website of the Canadian History of Education Association

Next CfP - Historia y Memoria de la Educación

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