Extended Submission Time ISCHE 45: 10 February 2024

ISCHE 45, 18-21 August 2024, Natal, Brazil & online on 5-6 September 2024

ISCHE, the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, the Instituto Federal do Rio Grande do Norte and the Brazilian Society of the History of Education have extended the submission deadline for the 2024 edition of the International Standing Conference for the History of Education.

New submission deadline is 10 February 2024.

Onsite and Online
As in the last two editions, the conference will have two formats: onsite (August 18-21, 2024) and online (September 5-6, 2024). The onsite part will take place in Natal, Brazil, which is an exciting destination for our community. ISCHE’s conference will take place right after the 12th Congress of the Brazilian Society for the History of Education, one of the largest in the planet. More than a thousand participants are expected to attend the Brazilian congress. We recommend that those who can attend this congress do so, as it will be a wonderful and lively meeting and an opportunity to engage with historians of education who do not always come to ISCHE. We are having talks with the Brazilian Society to offer special discounts to those who decide to participate in both conferences.

Please click here for more details about ISCHE 45 Natal

Previous ISCHE 45 Natal, Brazil: SWGs - CfP

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