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Mapping the Discipline SWG invites submissions to ISCHE 40 Conference. Deadline: Jan. 31, 2018

  ISCHE  40  (29  August  to  1  September  2018)  –  Berlin,  Germany Call  for  Papers:  Standing  Working  Group:  Mapping  the  Discipline  History  of  Education Deadline:  January  31,  2018   Our

Upcoming Events

ISCHE 40 Pre-Conference Workshop CFP: Funding Mass Education. Deadline: Feb. 28, 2018

    Funding Mass Education: Models, Debates and Policies in an International Perspective (1800-2000) ISCHE Pre-conference workshop / August, 28th 2018 / 9h00-18h00   Call for proposals   Convenors :Clémence


ISCHE 38 Program Now Available!

The program for the ISCHE 38 Conference (Aug 17-20, 2016 in Chicago, Illinois USA) has been posted (July 24).  It is available here. All ISCHE 38 paper and panel sessions