May 8, 2018 1958 Views

CFP: History of Education Review

Julie Mcleod (UMelb), Helen Proctor (USyd) and Tamson Pietsch (UTS) have recently assumed the editorship of the History of Education Review.  It is an international journal committed to the publication of high quality peer reviewed research and theoretical papers located in the history of education, broadly construed.

The new editorial team is reviewing the direction of the journal and widening its remit to include fields cognate to the study of the history of education and to promote greater dialogue across the diverse fields of historical inquiry.

To this end, as well as papers in the history of education, the editors welcome submissions of papers in any of the following areas:

  • Indigenous education
  • Science and technology
  • Knowledge and expertise
  • The professions and cultural industries
  • Youth and childhood studies
  • Migration and education
  • Education in the Asia-Pacific region
  • Historiographical or theoretical papers

They also welcome expressions of interest for special issues or themed sections, and particularly encourage submissions from early career scholars.

For further information please contact the Editors.

Previous CfA: Sofja Kovalevskaja Award for young research talents. Deadline: Jul. 31 2018
Next CFP: Jahrbuch für Historische Bildungsforschung 25

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