2018 HES Essay Prize Call for Nominations

2018 HES Essay Prize Call for Nominations



The History of Education Society is calling for nominations for the 2018 HES Essay Prize. $750 will be awarded to the author of the article judged to be the most distinguished scholarly essay on educational history (broadly defined, inside or outside of the United States) which was published in any journal in 2016 or 2017. Nominations may be made by faculty, department heads, deans, or the author may self-nominate.


Submissions should be emailed to graham@email.wcu.edu by May 15, and should include a PDF of the article and a CV for the author.
Information on this and other HES awards available here.



Previous ISCHE 40 Pre-Conference Workshop CFP: Shifting the frame on ‘femininity’. Deadline: May 30, 2018
Next CFA: The University of Manchester Presidential Academic Fellowship: Education. Deadline Apr. 3

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