Mapping the Discipline SWG invites submissions to ISCHE 40 Conference. Deadline: Jan. 31, 2018

Mapping the Discipline SWG invites submissions to ISCHE 40 Conference. Deadline: Jan. 31, 2018


ISCHE  40  (29  August  to  1  September  2018)  –  Berlin,  Germany

Call  for  Papers:  Standing  Working  Group:  Mapping  the  Discipline  History  of  Education

Deadline:  January  31,  2018


Our aim as SWG is to create a current and retrospective assessment of the discipline’s institutional grounding and of the knowledge produced by its researchers and practitioners, reaching beyond national and cultural borders. This mapping focuses on the emblematic traits that characterize any discipline: its institutional foundation (institutes, departments, positions), the communication networks (associations, scientific events, means for publication), the structures of socialization and education of the new generation (curriculum, diploma, doctoral theses) and the ongoing renewing of knowledge produced by the discipline (research, epistemological foundation, research methods). For the 40th Conference in Berlin we are calling upon the ISCHE community to present proposals on the following dimensions :

• Investigating the discipline History of Education through institutional affiliations

Our previous symposia have shown the relevance of questions regarding where history of education is made. In Berlin, we wish to proceed in this direction and welcome submission addressing the subject of institutional affiliations: do researchers work in history or teaching faculties ? To whom is this discipline taught? With what other discipline are historians of education most likely to work? To this aim, we will encourage papers based on a strong data collection methodology, whether they focus on network connections, curricula studies, doctoral dissertation supervision and subjects, or any other aspect.

• Historiographical synthesis in specific cultural areas

The SWG also aims at establishing a historiographical assessment. Previous discussions have shown that different academic traditions and cultural contexts have an impact on the research in the history of education (as on other disciplinary domains). We suggest to continue the work begun in Istanbul (ISCHE 37) where we initiated a historiographical assessment of the evolution of the knowledge produced in history of education in different cultural areas, taking into account at least three decades. Such assessments already exist (see our international bibliography on historiography of history of education in different contexts; everybody is invited to complete it) and this symposium encourage to enrich them.

• Investigating discipline networks around scientific journals

Journals are among the scientific community’s most powerful way of disseminating and discussing research outputs. Therefore, they constitute a privileged space in the effort to assess research: – We wish to question the presence of research in history of education in historical and/or educational journals, but also in journals that are not only directly linked to this field. We will especially welcome papers based on an empirical study. – One panel will focus on the contributions that currently are being prepared for the collective volume Connecting the Entangled History of Education via Scientific Journals (cf. Call for papers on our website). Three axes are privileged: 1. Positioning of the scholarly editors of the journal with regard to the internationalization of research and to the globalization of the editorial market; 2. Historiographical assessments of histories of education concerning globalization and the transnational turn; 3. Connected history at work in the education historian’s atelier: scales of analysis used in the published articles.

We invite colleagues to send their abstract proposal explaining briefly the research problem, objectives, theoretical and methodological approach, main primary and secondary sources, core arguments and main results.

The SWG follows ISCHE procedures regarding review criteria, dates and guidelines for paper presentations. Please, send your abstract to,,

Current conveners of the SWG
Rita Hofstetter, Geneva University, Switzerland, ERHISE
Solenn Huitric, Ecole normale supérieure de Lyon/LARHRA, France
Emmanuelle Picard, Ecole normale supérieure de Lyon/LARHRA, France

• Website dedicated to the Mapping project:

• The research project “History of Education: Mapping the Discipline” has been developed further in a Peadagogica Historica paper: Rita Hofstetter, Emmanuelle Picard, Alexandre Fontaine, Solenn Huitric, «Mapping the discipline history of education», Paedagogica Historica. International Journal of the History of Education, 50/6, 2014, p. 871-880. DOI: 10.1080/00309230.2014.948017

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Next Migrants, migration and Education SWG invites submissions to ISCHE 40 Conference. Deadline: Jan. 31, 2018

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