Online Streaming of Conference “The Ideal of Education among the European Nobilities, 17th-early 19th Century” 26-27 September, 2014

The German Historical Institute in Moscou (DHI Moskau), the Higher School of Economics (Moscow), the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (Paris), the Ural Federal University (Ekaterinburg) and the Centre franco-russe (Moscow) kindly invite you to attend or to watch online the international conference ‘The Ideal of Education among the European Nobilities, 17th-early 19th c.’ which will take place at the German Historical Institute in Moscow on 26 and 27 September 2014 (Metro Profsoyuznaya, Nakhimovskiy pr., 51/21, INION, ground floor).

Please find the conference program following the link:

The conference will be streamed and can be watched live on the same website:

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Next Richard Aldrich

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